Knitting For Cats

Guest blogger Melissa Stevens

knitting cat toys

All of us love to get a nice handmade present, regardless of how small and simple it is. It goes to show the dedication and persistence of the person who prepared it, and just how much we mean to them if they took the effort and made something for us with their own two hands. Such is the case with our pets as well; they might not be able to speak but they feel our love and devotion. And is there a better way to demonstrate our love and affection than by spending time preparing something special for them.

Cutest toys

knitted cat toy

When knitting for your cat, you can stick to the classic pattern and crochet little mice and little fishes, cat’s favorite animals. You can use fluffy and colorful wool for mice, making it more interesting and inviting for your cat, and you can even attach a little bell on them to make them jingle. In addition, you can stuff your toys with catnip and watch your cat play with it for hours. There are a lot of patterns for crocheting a mouse, and you can choose the one you like best and work your way up to the more complicated ones.

Knit your own cat bed

knitted cat bedPhoto from Interweave Knits Weekend 2009, design by Hana Jason

Depending on how skillful you are with yarn and needles, you can knit a simple or a more elaborate bed for your pet. The basic one (simply a circle with straight sides) can lack structure and can be floppy and thus uninteresting for your cat. So you can try modifying it a bit so it cups slightly on the top – this will also make it more appealing to your cat as well. For those who are not willing to try making cat beds straightaway, there are patterns for kitty blankets which you and your cat may like.


Knitted friend

knit cat decoration

Another form of cat toys has become very popular because it can serve as a play toy for your pet, a toy for kids as well, and as a lovely decoration on your window. When you become more skillful, you can experiment with different kinds of wool, and since tail and paws are knitted separately, you can deliberately make them different so your lovely window cat can draw attention. As with the knitted toys we mentioned above, you can stuff this window cat with some catnip, and it will instantly turn it into your pet’s new favorite toy.

For those about to start

Cat knitted blanket

The most important thing here is your enthusiasm. It is only normal to make mistakes when doing something for the first time, and don’t despair if your toys don’t end up looking like the ones you can see in an advertisement. Get your tools: buy some needles, find some quality yarn on sale, gather some easy patterns, and give it a go. You will never get better at something you don’t practice. Knit a bit every day – it is important to you and your pet is going to benefit from it as well.

Knitting a toy for your pet is not such a difficult task, all you need is a crochet patter, pair of needles, some yarn, and patience; and before you know it you’ll have the cutest toy for your sweetheart. The best part is: they will not care if it isn’t perfect! They will get a new toy to play with from you, made by your own hands, and smelling of you, and they will love it.

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