Awesome Tips For Dealing With A Nervous Kitten

Scared kittenImage by Flickr: Michael Richardson

Anyone who has had cats in the past will know they can be a little timid when they are younger. If you’ve just purchased a kitten for the first time, you’re probably looking for some advice on the best ways to bring them out of their shell. Luckily for you, I’ve decided to publish a post today that contains everything you need to know. As with humans, the best strategies are usually psychological ones. However, a bit of bribery goes a long way too. The important thing to remember is that pushing your cat into doing things it doesn’t want to do is a bad idea. You’ll get there in the end, but you need to take it at a pace at which the animal feels comfortable.

Buy a very comfortable bed

Beds and other pet products could help to make your kitten feel a little more relaxed in their new surroundings. It’s important they have an area of the home in which nobody else ventures. So, you might like to place their bed under s kitchen unit or somewhere they are not going to be disturbed. If you try to force the kitten to interact, you will get bad results. You have to wait until they are ready to take a look around. Cats are inquisitive creatures, and so it won’t be long before they want to look for any potential prey or predators. Hopefully, you don’t have either in your home.

Scared kitten outsideImage Source Flickr: Alosh Bennert

Ensure there are no illnesses present

It is possible your kitten is acting a bit nervously because they don’t feel well. For that reason, you must take it to see a local vet as soon as possible. Allowing a professional to give your animal a thorough assessment should remove any doubts you might have about their condition. If there is something wrong, you can deal with it immediately and get the animal back to good health. Don’t worry about massive vet bills because you can get insurance plans these days that only require you to pay a small amount each month.

Walk your kitten around the home using a harness

If your new kitten allows you to pick them up, you can take them on a tour of their new surroundings pressed against your chest. That will calm them down and help you to start building a bond. Presuming the kitten is too scared to be touched, you should buy a soft harness. Attach it, and then show them around. Once the cat has been through all the rooms in your home, they should start to feel more content. At the end of the day, the cat might have only left its mother a couple of days ago. So, it is facing some pretty big changes.

So long as you follow those three simple steps, your new friend should start to look less stressed. All you have to do is spend time with the animal and treat it like one of the family. Just don’t make the mistake of letting it outside for at least a couple of weeks. Young kittens have a bit more trouble than adult cats when it comes to finding their way home.

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