by James Donovan
(Seabeck, Wa. USA)
'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse
'Cuz the cat had pounced on him
and tore him apart -
Ate his mousey intestines
and chewed up his heart.
Kitty thought he heard sleigh bells,
which made him take pause-
He stopped daintily licking
the blood from his claws.
'Must be Santa, ' thought kitty
(that quite clever cat)
'Cuz nobody else climbs down
the chimney like that.
Indeed it was ol' Santa,
so jolly and fat
With a huge load of presents
and all for the cat
'Wow, the best Christmas ever! '
Kitty thought with a purr,
Then he coughed up a hairball
and shed some more fur.
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"A cat improves the garden wall in sunshine, and the hearth in foul weather." - Judith Merkle Riley
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